Wednesday, May 22, 2013

How To be a Good Teacher

     How to be a good Teacher ?. Basically, the most important duty of the teacher is to teach and educate their students, which mean in addition to her teaching certain subject, he also served as an educator to educate the manners and morals of the learners. Many ways to be a good teacher, each individual may have a different opinion. Therefore I will give my opinion on it. I have several ways to be a good teacher.

  • Discipline . as a Teacher we have good example to our Students. For example, if we came to class don’t ever came late!. Because the students will  be modeled if we do like that.
  •  A teacher must be well versed in the material to be taught. Many things matter how we prepare our students to understand that once we understand the material which we will present. Prepare to be careful that we teach, although no matter how small it is.
  • Don’t be too serious and not too relax.So when we teach give a little joke that goal so that they are’t bored with the lessons and they will be relax, fun and enjoyed. But don’t be too relax, because they will be lazy  to learning again. 
  • Be wise and patient. Be aware that the students we teach have different skill levels.
    There are quick to understand, some are slow and some are very slow even difficult to be understood. If we have this awareness, then certainly we would have the patience to accommodate questions from our students. Find a simple way to explain to the students who have low skill levels with simple examples that are often encountered in everyday life even if the examples are a bit silly.
  • Creative. teachers must be able to enter the interesting method and teaching technique in making a fun activity. Creative activities and lesson plans to help in developing an interest and curiosity among the children of the whole learning process. Thus, creative thinking helps a lot in the field of teaching.

     Educators not only be a Teacher.An educator has the ability to transfer knowledge like a teacher, but a teacher is not able to do the same thing like educators, which partly responsible for the morale of the people in the students, and it was a great receive training mandate, because what will be done by people who have been educated, the result's being built from the educators. So, a good teacher is someone who can teach and educate. 
OK, that is my opinion about How To be a Good Teacher. I hope it can help you.


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